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1 in 5 People In The US Have An STI. Something Must Be Done.

STIs are currently spreading at alarming rates. The

“CDC estimates that 1 in 5 people in the U.S. have a sexually transmitted infection“

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

This is an extremely alarming statistic that seems to be ignored by most. It’s a statistic that seems to be ignored out of fear, lack of interest, ignorance, and because people dont care until it directly affects them and their livelihood. SafeChoice is a company that has come out on a mission to work against the spread of sexually transmitted diseases to protect students and local communities.

SafeChoice is a great solution if you are a real estate owner or involved in a college that provides student dorms and student housing. SafeChoice provides vending machines that specify in providing products that are needed to have a safe sex life and experience. They provide additional products that are used every day to provide easier access to products that most consider crucial to their daily routine. SafeChoice’s vending machine’s let you select the best products for the most affordable prices. It provides a very convenient alternative to pharmacies for residents and students allowing them to get their necessities for an affordable price without leaving the comfort of their homes.

The best part of SafeChoice is its accessibility. All universities can reach out to SafeChoice to request for SafeChoice vending machines to be placed within their student dorms. SafeChoice provides this option at no cost. Yes, that’s right, FREE. The only requirement is that there needs to be a power source and camera security in an accessible location within the dorm building. Certain residential properties that are unrelated to university student housing qualify to receive a SafeChoice vending machine installed for free as well. However, residential properties must have a certain amount of apartments to qualify. The amount will be disclosed following reaching out to a SafeChoice employee. Residential properties that do not meet the requirements may still have a SafeChoice vending machine installed for a flat fee equating to the cost of the machine.

SafeChoice can currently be found through their website or one of their social media accounts. Their social media handles on all platforms us @SafeChoiceUSA. They are now present on Instagram, Tik Tok, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

This article was written on November 28th, 2022. All of the information above is true based on public information and an interview with a SafeChoice staff member. All of the information above is subject to change.

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Celeste Greene
Hi! I am Celeste, a writing enthusiast and current student. Long time Medium reader and a new Medium writer. Excited to embark on my blogging journey.

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